Abbey Performing Arts (School of Dance).

Hall 3, Saturdays between 9am & 12.30pm.

Ballet and other dance forms. Saturday morning classes age 2 years – adult.

Contact:- Sam Churchill on 07921859981 or e-mail :-

Chingford Morris Men –
Mondays, Hall 1, 8pm – 10pm.

We practice on a Monday evening when we learn and practice dances in the Chingford and the North West Morris traditions. We are a friendly group and have male and female members between the ages of 16 and 80. We dance out at a variety of venues in Waltham Forest and beyond, including Yorkshire, Kent and Germany. We welcome new members of any age and if you would like to come and see what we do and would like to have a go,
please phone on 01992 712765 or email :-
Junior group third Sunday of the month, please contact Chingford Morris
Men for details.

Kettlebell Boot Camp. (Exercise Class).
Wednesday’s – Hall 1 between 7pm & 8pm.
Contact Chris on 07816103717 or Paul on 07769705691

Mixed Ability Pilates.
Thursday’s – Hall 3 between 7pm & 8pm.
Contact Christine Hastings on 07843914028 or E-mail :-

Seasons Art Class – Epping.
Starting 20.04.23.
Hall 3, Thursdays.
Morning session – 10am – 1pm.
Afternoon Session – 2pm – 5pm.

Contact by phone on 02085276691 or E-mail:-

Singing For Fun.
Thursday’s, Hall 1, 1.30pm – 3pm

Slimming World

Hall 1 on Tuesday’s Between 9.30am – 11am.

Hall 1 on Thursday’s Between 5pm – 9pm 
Plus Hall 1 on Saturday’s Between 7.30am – 11am
Contact :- Lisa on 07702244557

Sun Street Club. (Social Club).

Tuesday’s – Hall 1 between 1pm & 4pm.
Not Open To New Members At Present.
Waiting list in operation.
Contact Jan on 07594055102

Tudor Cross Preschool Monday – Friday Hall 2 9am – 12 noon and 12.05pm – 3.05pm
Contact: for more details
For children attending full day sessions, 9am-3.05pm, please provide a packed lunch including a drink.

Tuesday Ladies, Tuesdays 8pm-10pm, Hall 3.

Social club for ladies – Affiliated to The National Association of Women’s Clubs.
Varied program includes:-
Speakers, Craft Activities, Occasional Trips, Bingo.
Or just come for chats.

Waltham Abbey Flower Club (Floral Art)

Hall 3 between 2pm – 4pm, every 4th Tuesday of the month.
Note:- Do not meet in January, June, August or December.

Contact e-mail –

Waltham Abbey Gardening Club 2nd Friday of each month Hall 3 8.00pm – 10.00pm
Contact: Miss Alison Yarwood

Warrior Martial Arts

Hall 3, Saturdays between 3pm – 4.30pm.

Warrior Martial Arts, is a mixed Martial Arts School.

E-mail :-
WHATSAPP/TEL :- 07376 287 178

Women’s Sound Bath & Relaxation Circle..

Hall 3, Wednesday’s between 7.30pm – 9pm. Cost £7

Using sound therapy tools, such as quartz Crystal, Tibetan sound bowls and hand held drums the session aims to promote meditation, relaxation and healing.
Bring a mat, blanket and drum if you have one … drums are available.
Our unique Circle is designed to provide time and space to relax, have fun and enjoy sound as a way to promote your well-being in a safe and supportive space with other likeminded women.

Meditation and Sound Therapy is proven to improve cognitive functioning and promote physical and mental well-being, helping to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Rebalance and align with the energy of your body and the universe.
Website: 07946 625467 –Jane

Woodcraft Tuesdays Hall 1 5pm – 7.30pm
Contact: Jan Harker 0208 529 6025
Email: Website:
For children and young people.